When receiving a digital signal such as pulse code modulation (PCM), a digital-to-analog (D/A) converter is used. This reverses the process of A/D conversion at the transmitter, so that the original analog data is recovered.
You might ask, “Why convert a signal to digital form in the first place, if it’s going to be changed back to analog form at the receiver anyway?” The reason is that a digital signal is inherently simpler than an analog signal, in the sense that is less random.
Thus, a digital signal resembles noise less than an analog signal. It’s good to make a signal as different from noise as possible, in as many ways (or senses) as possible.
This is because the more different a signal is from unwanted noise, the easier it is to separate the data from the noise, and the better is the realizable S/N ratio.
You might think of signal/noise separation in terms of apples, oranges, and a watermelon. It takes awhile to find an orange in a tub of apples. (You’ll probably have to dump the tub).
Think of the orange as an analog signal and the apples as noise. But suppose there’s a watermelon in a bushel basket with apples.
You’ll have no trouble at all finding the watermelon. Think of the melon as a digital signal and the apples as noise.
Another, more interesting feature of digital communications arises when you think of a watermelon in a tub of oranges. It’s as easy to separate a digital signal from a jumble of analog signals as it is to extract a digital signal from noise.
In a band occupied by thousands of analog signals, a lone digital signal can be picked out easily—far more easily than any of the analog signals.
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